Teaching Philosophy
Overall Philosophy:
My goal as an instructor is not to bore students with the material but to engage them in a different way of thinking. I am a HUGE believer in participating and taking risks. For example, by the end of a course, I would rather students feel more confident in their ability to interpret a data table than reciting a memorized definition.
In my class, we are a team. Students can learn from me as much as I can learn from them. I am not perfect and would never expect them to be, that is part of being an educator. Curiosity drives learning, if a random question appears, students should ask away! Embracing those moments is critical in having a valuable experience. Take academic risks in class is critical… Even if a student does not feel confident, I will never lower their grade for trying.
Lastly, feedback is always welcomed. I am not just an instructor, but I am a co-pilot on this flight to success.
Good Vibes:
I believe that there is no force greater than the force of positivity. I enter the classroom ready to spread good vibes in whatever way that I can. I encourage my students to do the same. Complimenting someone, thanking a worker, telling a friend you appreciate them, can all make a huge difference. Each class ends with a reminder to spread good vibes at all times. My question for you reading this... What is one good thing that has happened to you recently?
College-level Teaching
QBIC Journal Club I &
QBIC Journal Club II
The overarching goal of this class is to improve the confidence and efficacy with which students obtain and assimilate information from primary and secondary scientific literature. The class aims to promote skills that begin in the library, with the efficient location of relevant material, and extend into the classroom and eventually beyond, into a scientific community in which effective communication is every bit as important as science itself.
Secondary School Teaching
Biology 2 CP
Biology is the study of living things. This 10th grade course will be taught over one year and is an inquiry-based class that emphasizes biological concepts through laboratory experience, tutorials, interactive activities, projects, and writing assignments. This course provides a strong foundation for further scientific studies.
I am proud to have received some awards for my teaching!
Informal Education
In addition to the classes above, I have taught programs for the Museum of Science in Boston, MA as well as the Massachusetts Audubon Society working for the Habitat Sanctuary in Belmont, MA.
I am a currently a fellow at the Fairchild Botanical Garden in Miami, FL working in the education department and the BioTECH high school program.